
The main goal of this paper is to compare the level of fi nancial literacy among the selected faculties of economics in Slovakia and to elaborate a comparison of fi nancial literacy level at both input and output level, i.e. between the university students at the beginning of their Bachelor study and the university students who are in the fi nal stage of their Master study. In addition, we want to analyze the level of fi nancial literacy by means of practical tasks aimed at confi rmation or rejection of the prospect theory principles. Concerning methods we statistically process our primary data which were collected through the survey 2015/2016 from Slovak University of economics in Kosice, Presov and Bratislava. Inter alia, we analyze correlative data dependence of selected variables. The survey is focused also on fi nancial behavior of respondents and their skills in terms of fi nancial literacy concept. Last but not least, we deal with features of respondents’ fi nancial decision making under the conditions of risk and uncertainty. At fi rst, we show that statistically signifi cant dependency of FL level on respondents’ sex does exist. Male respondents reached higher FL than female ones. Hypothesis of better high school education of economy at Business Secondary School was rejected, rate of fi nancially literate respondents who attended Grammar School or Business Secondary School is comparable. Subsequently, students in their last year of studies at EKF TUKE and NHF EUBA have signifi cantly higher level of FL than those students who are at the beginning of their studies. Contrary, at FM PU the rate of fi nancially illiterate fi rst-year students was lower than the rate of fi nancially literate students in their last year of studies. We found out a correlation of FL with decision-making based on prospect theory. The results of the presented research provide important information for policy makers who should refl ect on present status of this issue in Slovakia.

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