
The article analyzes the current state of financial and legal science. It is emphasized that it performs descriptive and prognostic functions, and therefore, today, in the context of a rapidly changing legal reality, it accumulates material for the creation of a legal methodology. It is noted that attempts to change the concept of financial law as a branch of law, including not only public, but also private finance, are becoming more frequent. The reasons for the inconsistency of such a position are indicated. It is emphasized that the modern science of financial law "gives birth" to new institutional structures that require in-depth research. The main reason for this is the change in the subject of financial law, which today is defined through the category of "public finance". Special attention is paid to the enumeration of those financial and legal institutions that are generated by the expansion of the subject of financial law to the level of public finance, as well as other financial and legal institutions, in which have arisen today within the framework of budget and tax law. These include: the Institute of finance of state corporations and companies, the Institute of non-state monetary funds burdened with a public function, the Institute of deoffshorization, the Institute of treasury support, the Institute of treasury payments, etc.

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