
Traditional banking methods of addressing the problem of financial inclusion in developing countries is not working efficiently. As it is becoming obvious, opening operational and functional banking business offices in many developing countries is not a financially viable option. Banking offices need enormous amounts of resources, equipment and personnel to run efficiently. In most developing countries were low income is the norm rather than the exception, it is not possible to sustain a policy objective that employs the use of banking business offices to address the problem of financial inclusion. Such initiative could start out well, however the possibility of sustainability is called into question. Thus, whatever meaningful gains have been garnered from such policy will be reversed or lost overtime. This research employs the use of quantitative methods and it sets out to test whether the usage of financial technology has had any meaningful impact in improving financial inclusion in the developing countries selected in the study. The findings of the research reveal that financial technology offers the instrument, tools and mechanism for drive financial inclusion in ways traditional methods of banking cannot. Financial technology offers, cost effective and cheaper means of driving financial development. This research suggests that financial technology should be used as a means of driving financial development in developing countries as it offers a more sustainable and cost-effective solution to the problem of financial inclusion. Developing countries, should embrace, adopt and adapt financial technologies to address their financial development issues.

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