
The realities of today's society bear two opposite trends in the development of youth life strategies influenced by financial and economic globalization. On the one hand, the values ​​of career, success, education as a social lift, self-development, self-realization in society and public recognition, on the other hand, the values ​​of social passivity, parasitism, demands on society to provide the benefits of life without one's own efforts, hedonism at a minimum level, which is provided from the outside (by parents or social institutions). Behavioral strategies are built between these two poles, depending on the financial and economic situation in a particular country, the status characteristics of the individual's social group, the possibilities of social mobility, and the availability of real social lifts. The factors of economic crises associated with financial globalization, the release of a significant number of working people as a result of technological changes, the rapid change in the labor market, the system of social and financial assistance in a number of countries, the discrepancy between education and the demands of the labor market, and a number of other factors reduce the need for young people to take active steps towards professional self-realization, incline them to search for new life strategies, often deviating from socially approved ones. Thus, over the past decades, powerful destructive processes have become increasingly noticeable, covering the social and natural spheres of being under the influence of financial and economic globalization.

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