
The aim of the article is to study the theoretical and legal principles of organization and implementation of financial control as a means of countering economic corruption in Ukraine. The subject of the study is financial control as a means of countering economic corruption in Ukraine. Methodology. The research is based on the use of general scientific and special scientific methods and techniques of scientific knowledge. The historical and legal method enabled to determine the preconditions for the origin of corruption as a negative social phenomenon. The comparative and legal method was used to compare doctrinal approaches to the differentiation of types of financial control. The system-structural method contributed to the perception and identification of the most negative impacts of corruption on the country’s economy. The methods of grouping and classification were the basis for the author’s original approach to the distinction between the types of the shadow economy, such as the informal economy, hidden economy, and criminal economy. The technical legal method enabled to investigate corruption in Ukraine, to identify its shortcomings, gaps, contradictions, and miscalculations, as well as to develop recommendations aimed at their elimination. The results of the study revealed that the ineffectiveness of state financial control in Ukraine contributes to the blossoming of corruption in Ukraine, due to the lack of legal regulation of its implementation and coordination in the activities of various controlling bodies, the weakness of the legal and methodological basis of their activities. They define law-making, law-executing, and law-enforcement activities, coordinate the functioning of financial and legal regulation. Practical implications. In the research, first, the key aspects of the genesis of financial control as a means of countering economic corruption in Ukraine are outlined; second, scientific approaches to their classification in the special literature are analysed and compared; third, the author’s original differentiation is substantiated. Relevance/originality. The author’s original approach to the differentiation of financial control as a means of countering economic corruption in Ukraine is the basis for developing the most promising directions for the improvement of domestic legislation in this area.

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