
The blockchain that uses cryptocurrency is a paradigm shift in the way of data storage, retrieval, and verification due to the concept of decentralization. This paradigm is essential to ensure the security of crucial data in any project. Adding a smart contract to the blockchain would facilitate the automation of various processes. Thus, the cryptocurrency blockchain that uses the smart contract can be considered a suitable platform for an ecosystem of many industries. The construction industry needs a highly secure automated management system due to its complex contractual relationships and transactions between parties. Therefore, integrating the blockchain with the smart contract creates the most appropriate ecosystem to be developed. This study introduces an ecosystemic prototype using a programmable smart contract within a novel cryptocurrency blockchain for construction. The purpose of the prototype is to guarantee a decentralized system as an independent economic environment for the construction industry. The system guarantees the security of financial transactions and focuses on the payment clauses in the construction contract as well. The results depended on three well-known hypothetical case scenarios from the construction site and were displayed in the form of extracted access data tables. The prototype proved the efficiency of the decentralized system for the construction industry by minimizing human-factor interference in the transaction process and thus reducing time waste and cost.

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