
Fix n Clean is a startup company engaged in repair services in Indonesia. The repair service market in Indonesia is quite large and the demand for this business is very potential to be created. Therefore Fix n Clean performs financial and risk analysis by performing financial calculations and analysis as well as looking at the existing risks. The method used uses elements of financial planning contained in the framework and risk management with the ISO 31000:2018 approach. From a financial perspective, the analysis carried out includes an investment feasibility analysis as well as an analysis of financial performance needed to identify the prospects of an investment plan and as a basis for making decisions to reject an unprofitable investment. In terms of risk, the analysis carried out includes risk identification and risk treatment. The results of the financial analysis show that Fix n Clean investments can be made. The results of investment analysis can assist management in making strategic decisions and the results of risk management can mitigate risks so that the business can run well. Keywords: Repair Service, Financial Analysis, Risk Management, Business Plan.

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