
This report gives the results of the APMP.M.F-K2.a and APMP.M.F-K2.b key comparison in 50 kN and 100 kN force range. This regional key comparison was conducted under the Asia Pacific Metrology Program (APMP) to establish a link to the global CCM.F-K2 (http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/0026-1394/49/1A/07002/meta) key comparison.13 laboratories participated in this key comparison. The Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) served as the pilot laboratory. The National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ/AIST) and the National Metrology Institute (NIM) of China together with KRISS provided links to the CCM.F-K2.a and CCM.F-K2.b key comparison. Two pairs of force transducers of 50 kN and 100 kN nominal capacities were circulated among the participants in a star formation.The final results suggest that the nominal 50 kN force generated at one laboratory and 100 kN force at another laboratory may be different from the CCM.F-K2 key comparison reference value.KEY WORDS FOR SEARCHForce, 50 kN, 100 kN, APMPMain textTo reach the main text of this paper, click on Final Report. Note that this text is that which appears in Appendix B of the BIPM key comparison database kcdb.bipm.org/.The final report has been peer-reviewed and approved for publication by the CCM, according to the provisions of the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement (CIPM MRA).

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