
Part 1 Violence and the medieval clergy: clerics, war and weapons in Anglo-Saxon England, Kent G. Hare violence, knightly piety and the Peace of God Movement in Aquitaine, Michael Frassetto the Friar Tuck syndrome - clerical violence and the Baron's War, James R. King. Part 2 Medieval families and feuds: Deudo and the roots of feudal violence in late medieval Castile, L.J. Andrew Villalon the Iberian Diffidamentum - from vassalic defiance to the Code Duello, Donald J. Kagay criminal settlement in medieval Castillian towns, Theresa M. Vann. Part 3 Public control and private violence in early modern times: the language of violence in the late Renaissance - the example of the Tuscan Romagua, John K. Brackett artificial anatagonism in pre-modern Iran - the Haydari-Ne'mati urban moieties, John R. Perry. Part 4 Crime and punishment: crime and punishment in the 15th-century Portuguese world - the transition from internal to Imperial exile, Timothy J. Coates Non Potest Appellum Facere - criminal charges women could not - but did - bring in 13th-century English royal courts of justice, Patricia R. Orr war, women and crime in the northern English border lands in the 14th and 15th centuries. Part 5 A medieval mystery: the wreck of the White Ship - a mass murder revealed?, Victoria Chandler.

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