
Abstract Chapter Five concerns the last few years of the century, when cultural values changed rapidly, resulting in Anything Goes America. Obscenity, sex, violence, Viagra, hip-hop, even the F-word were amplified on radio talk shows, reality and animated television, and the internet. Satellite DIRECTV, and the Dish Network began operations, resulting in many new channels—arts, food, college sports. Clinton’s second term is examined, including four years of balanced budgets, Roth IRA, and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Foreign policy concerned Iraq, Kosovo, the expansion of NATO, and mounting Islamic terrorism spearheaded by Osama bin Laden. At home the nation focused on Anything Goes Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky, special prosecutor Kenneth Starr, the impeachment and trial. The 2000 election ends the chapter with Democrat Al Gore facing Republican George W. Bush and spoiler Ralph Nader, which was the first election decided by the Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore.

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