
This paper studies two of Ghana’s foremost film instructors: Jim Fara Awindor and Vitus Nanbigne. Using narrative design as the research approach, the study delineates on the teaching philosophies and approaches as well as the major contributions of the two instructors to film education in Ghana. Major findings of the study included the two facilitators almost sharing the same circumstance leading to their career and professional path. They both come from the Northern areas of Ghana, they both attended the National Film and Television Institute (NAFTI) and they both won scholarships for their post-graduate studies outside of Ghana. The two facilitators also, officially, started their profession as film teachers at NAFTI. Whilst Nanbigne believes in an explorative approach to teaching, Awindor goes by what he terms the Philosophy of the Mind approach that goes beyond the curriculum to include life experiences that will mould the students, not only for scholarship but for the world. Jim’s contributions to film education in Ghana included the acceptance of documentary making as a specialised area in film education, whilst Vitus has contributed diversely in the areas of film history in Ghana and in Africa. The two facilitators mentioned the lack of key needed facilities as the major impediments to film education in Ghana. The study recommends concerted efforts by film scholars to document the professional journeys of the major film facilitators in Ghana and document their achievements and contributions. The study also calls for support from various stakeholders, to provide the necessary equipment and materials that will facilitate film education to realise its intent of training professional filmmakers in Ghana.

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