
Flower visitor surveys were conducted across the St Katherine Protectorate of South Sinai, Egypt, between April-July 2012 and 2013. We present a checklist of 112 species of flower visitors belonging to the orders Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera. The Hymenoptera were the most diverse group of flower visitors, consisting of 69 species from eight families: Apidae (14), Colletidae (8), Crabronidae (10), Halictidae (13), Megachilidae (19), Scoliidae (1), Sphecidae (2) and Vespidae (2). We recorded nine species that were endemic to the region and thirteen that were new to the Egyptian fauna, including one new to science, Hylaeus oliviae Dathe, 2015. The study provides a valuable initial checklist of pollinators within the St Katherine Protectorate, but the description of novel species and the high proportion of new records for Egypt suggest that species numbers are likely to be underestimated. We highlight the need for future research into Egyptian pollinator fauna, particularly within the St Katherine Protectorate where endemic bees are still being described.

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