
The growth of epitaxial films on featured substrates has an important device application in junction-confinement, double hetero-structure light emitting diodes. These devices are presently grown by a liquid phase epitaxy process but growth by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition is desirable because of MOCVD's superior surface quality, uniformity, and throughput. This paper describes the effect of growth parameters on AlGaAs films deposited by atmospheric-pressure MOCVD into substrate holes typically made in the fabrication of junction-confinement LEDs. MOCVD growth replicates the substrate features; it does not give a planar surface over the holes. The behavior of epitaxy filling into holes is strongly dependent on growth temperature and total gas flow and largely independent of substrate misorientation and the thickness of the layer grown. Wet-etched holes formed (ll0)-oriented V-groove and dovetail-groove features on the hole circumference. Faceting of the MOCVD growth was seen on the wall with the (111)A feature while smooth growth was seen on the etched (111)B surface.

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