
The article discusses the use of Medusomyces gisevii, fungal liquid in particular, as the main ingredient for the preparation of a filler (jelly) for confectionery. The analysis of studies of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of Medusomyces gisevii research, proving the possibility of using Medusomyces Gisevi as probiotics that normalize the activity of the microbiota of the human body, provides the results of the chemical composition of kombucha. At this stage, the aim of the study is: to study the biological processes during the cultivation of the Kombucha mushroom; to determine the physicochemical parameters of liquid for kombucha culture; to study the influence of the culture liquid of kombucha on the technology of preparation of jelly as a filler and its commercial characteristics. On the basis of the fungal liquid, an inoculant was obtained (control sample no. 1 according to the classical preparation scheme and experimental sample no. 2). substances, the change in the content of antioxidants: vitamin C and rutin, depending on the time of fermentation. In order to study the possibility of using samples to obtain a filler (jelly) of confectionery products, the organoleptic characteristics of the resulting drink were determined. The most acceptable organoleptic properties are possessed by a drink with the addition of kombucha and oregano extract with honey.

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