
This article considers the phenomenon of emotional assessment based on Russian and Spanish vocabulary (including slang), as well as phraseology. For the first time, a comprehensive semantic comparative study of the ways of forming and using evaluative units, reflecting the peculiarities of the perception of the linguistic pictures of the Spanish and Russian languages, has been carried out. The author analyzes the lexical and phraseological material, ways of representation in lexicographic practice, the reasons for the emergence of secondary evaluative meanings. The results obtained allow us to confirm the hypothesis that the belonging of the primary nominative meanings of lexical units to a specific FSH, in our case the “divine” group, leads to the emergence of secondary positive emotional evaluative semantics. The commonality of norms governing the formation of positive assessments in Russian and Spanish was confirmed, which makes it possible to speak about the presence of a common model of evaluative semantics as a single system, as well as the absence of a fundamental difference in the figurative structure and methods of forming an evaluative nomination in Russian and Spanish, determined by the common Christian culture and civilization, as well as the common origin of languages.

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