
A retrospective glance at the history of humankind discloses that disasters are consubstantial to human existence. From ancient times to our era, no centennial interlude unfolded without dreadful and sad incidents. Despite the improvement of educational sectors to provide humans with adequate training, their perfection remains controversial –their radical and deviationist behaviors keep on bringing about unprecedented tensions, humanitarian and ecological crises. Human relations have turned more tumultuous than ever. No one seems to listen to the other, be in harmony with themselves and their environment. Things occur as if humans were both uneducated and uncivilized. The 21st century suffers from a procession of disastrous events, which unfortunately illustrate humans’ loss and disharmony with themselves and other living beings. Unable to resolutely bring palliative response to the drawbacks of their own deeds, they wander, seeking uncertain and utopian landmarks, which unfortunately worsen their living conditions. They enter this century not as conscious subjects, but rather as crispy individuals, for they have lost their rational faculties, educational and civilizational values. The occurrence of abusive exploitation of forest and halieutic resources in Eldorado, illustrates their sinful and cruel actions against nature and non-human animals. With reference to those devastating actions, it is relevant to guide and reorient their attitude in order to help the present and future generations avoid chaotic or dramatic situations. To that end, it is essential to question figurative disconnection(s) in Laurent Gaudé’s novel. The use of ecocritic approach will contribute to elucidate a literary project, which advocates awareness, universal humanism and the revision of humans’ behavioral habits towards their environment.

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