
Javanese women have a position as a pillar of Javanese culture, not only physically but also psychologically which includes perceptions, imaginations, and interpretations of Javanese cultural values. Damar Kurung is a lantern from the 16th century that serves as a marker of the coming of the Month of Ramadan. This culture of light has been gradually eroded by its irrelevant function, especially since electric lights dominate human life. The decoration that decorated the Damar Kurung has been preserved for generations by a female artist: Masmundari. Masmundari died at the age of more than 100 years ago in 2005, after the death of Damar Kurung also faded. This research is qualitative research using a descriptive method that is used to describe the performance of Javanese women in the Damar Kurung decoration. This research was carried out for approximately 8 months which included the research phase, the design phase and the implementation phase of the design results. The data analysis method used is descriptive, which is useful for describing the factual findings of the characteristics of the Damar Kurung ornamental variety along with its historical chronology. The data findings are classified according to the findings of the female performance themes and then developed as an innovation in the typical Gresik batik motif. The purpose of this research is the development of Damar Kurung decoration into batik motifs is one of the conservation efforts to preserve Damar Kurung as a national intangible heritage. And to find out the identity and role of women's gender in Javanese culture. The output of this research is also expected to contribute to the designers and practitioners of the art and/or crafts in order to be able to utilize the local cultural heritage to improve the economy of the creative industries


  • PENDAHULUAN Sejak UNESCO menetapkan batik sebagai warisan kemanusiaan untuk budaya lisan dan non-bendawi pada bulan Oktober tahun 2009 (Hakim, 2018) banyak daerah di Indonesia berupaya mengeksplorasi keunikannya sebagai inspirasi motif batik khas daerahnya

  • Luaran penelitian ini berupa seni motif batik dengan nama: motif batik ubet, motif batik srawung dan motif batik rame ing gawe, diharapkan dapat berkontribusi bagi para desainer dan praktisi seni dan atau kriya agar dapat memanfaatkan warisan budaya lokal untuk meningkatkan ekonomi industri kreatif. The creation of this batik motif art is a qualitative research using descriptive methods used to describe the performance of Javanese women in the damar kurung decorative style

  • The data analysis method used is descriptive, which is useful for describing the factual findings of the characteristics of the damar kurung decoration

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Konsep Perempuan Jawa Prinsip yang dipegang teguh manusia

Seperti yang dijelaskan oleh Jati (Pramitasari, 2017) tentang konsep ardhananeswari untuk memahami status perempuan Jawa. Pada tahun 1980an Masmundari tercatat sebagai satu-satunya pembuat dan pelestari kerajinan damar kurung khas Kota Gresik. Ragam hias yang menghiasi permukaan damar kurung menjadi media pitutur/mendongeng oleh orang tua kepada anak-anaknya. Karena ragam hias damar kurung menggambarkan situasi sosial-budaya masyarakat Gresik yang dinamis. Ragam hias damar kurung yang dilukis Masmundari dikategorikan sebagai lukisan bergaya naivisme oleh banyak pengamat seni (Indrakusuma, 2003). Gaya lukis Masmundari ini lekat dengan pengaruh buku Babad Sindujoyo (Ismoerdjahwati, 2014), seperti terlihat pada Gambar 4. Ilustrasi dalam Babad Sindujoyo dan ragam hias damar kurung karya Masmundari menunjukkan adanya kemiripan, yakni menggambarkan sosok manusia dengan teknik stilasi yang sederhana dan tampak menyamping. Keterkaitan keduanya membuktikan bahwa kesenian damar kurung telah ada sejak lama merekam peradaban masyarakat Gresik yang dinamis

HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Perempuan Jawa dalam Ragam Hias damar kurung
Motif Batik dari Ragam Hias damar kurung
Perkembangan Batik Loh Bandeng Gresik
Budaya Bangsa dan Nation Brand
Wadon:Representasi Sosial Perempuan
Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Islam
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