
eigners, chiefly British officers of the Indian Civil Service and the Medical Service attracted by the unexplored field for research which the country offered, and the Indian scientists which the country was beginning to produce. Bentham & Hooker (1862-1880) and Hooker (1875) rendered a valuable service to India, and to the cause of botany in India, both through their monumental Genera Plantarum and Hooker's exhaustive Flora of British India, and by their collections of herbarium material now at the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, England. A very complete list of the Flora of western India was compiled by Thomas Cooke (1901-1908). Hole (1919) made a study of the sal tree (Shorea robusta) and the forest grasses. This early period of botanical research will be remembered as the one that laid the foundations of systematic botany upon which ecology entirely depends.

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