
The interhemispheric connections of the cortical areas of the temporal lobe and some neighboring regions were investigated in monkeys (Macaca mulatta and Macaca fascicularis) by anterograde autoradiographic tracing, following injection of radioactively labeled amino acids. The results revealed that the interhemispheric projections of the temporal lobe course through three interhemispheric commissures on their way to the opposite hemisphere. The anterior commissure receives fibers from virtually the entire temporal lobe, including the temporal pole, superior and inferior temporal gyri, and parahippocampal gyrus. Moreover, area 13 of the orbitofrontal cortex, the frontal and temporal subdivisions of the prepiriform cortex, and the cortical and deep nuclei of the amygdala also contribute fibers to the anterior commissure. The heaviest projections arise in the rostral third of the temporal isocortex. These projections become progressively lighter from more caudal regions. By contrast, the corpus callosum receives fibers from the caudal two-thirds of the temporal lobe, including the temporal pole, superior and inferior temporal gyri, and parahippocampal gyrus. The heaviest projections arise in the caudal third of the temporal lobe and cross primarily in the caudal third of the corpus callosum, including the splenium. Progressively lighter projections arise more rostrally. Fibers from proisocortical and isocortical areas of the posterior parahippocampal gyrus cross in the ventralmost part of the splenium (inferior forceps), whereas cortical areas lateral to the occipitotemporal sulcus give rise to fibers that cross in the caudal part of the body of the corpus callosum and dorsal splenium. The dorsal hippocampal commissure receives fibers exclusively from the parahippocampal gyrus. The fibers of the corpus callosum, hippocampal commissure, and, to a lesser extent, the anterior commissure are intimately associated with the ventricular system as they course through the white matter of the temporal lobe. The fields of origin of the anterior commissure and corpus callosum overlap extensively over the caudal two-thirds of the temporal lobe. The posterior parahippocampal gyrus is unique in that it gives rise to fibers that cross in all three commissures.

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