
In a number of field trials carried out in ı980- ı98 ıthe ejfect of amitraz, N-methylbis (2,4-xy[yliminomethyl) amine, was tested against ectoparasites of farm animals. In the summer of ı980, single spray treatment with amitraz at 0.2 ıg litre--I eliminated flyalomma detritum Schu[ze, H. excavatum Koch and Dermacentor marginatus Schulzer on 523 cattle; but two spray treatments, 7 days apart, were required to dear 65 calves of Linognathus vituli Linnaeus. On the other han d single dip treatment with amitraz at 0.2 ıg litre- i expelled Rhipicephalus bursa Canestrini and Fanzago on 2 ı47 sheep, R. bursa Canestrini and Fanzago and Damalina limbata Gervaü on 596 and 105 Angora goats respectively. Reiıifestation with these IJarasites did not appear on the treated animals during the 5 week posttreatment observation period. In addition 47 cattle infested lı'ith Hippobosca equina Linnaeus wae elear of the parasite in single spm)' treatment with amitraz at 0.21 g litrrl • But repeated sprrl)' treatments at weekly intervals were used to protect the animals from reiı?festations. In the autumn of 1980, the trial showed the if{icacy qf amitraz at 0.2 i g. litır i against Hyalomma 1/)'mIJMof 35 catile in a single spray treatment. Repeated spray treatments at weekly intervals were required, however, to protect the cattle from the ocmrence of reinfestation. In early winter of 198 i, a group of 95 sheep infested with Omithodorus lahOl'ensis Neuma111lwasfouııd to be elear of the parasites 24 hours after single dip treatment with amitmz at 0.2 ig litır ı. But repeated dip trealmenls at i da)' intervals were necessaryfor the prevention of rei1ifestation. Single dip treatment witlı amitraz at 0.21 g litrrl tesulted in elinical Cllreof 180 sheep su.fferdfrom psoroptic mange. Skin scrapiııgs taken from treated animals, 5 times at weekly intervals, did not teveal any live mite.

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