
In three dimensions, it is known that field theories possessing extended $(p,q)$ anti-de Sitter (AdS) supersymmetry with ${\cal N}=p+q \geq 3$ can be realised in (2,0) AdS superspace. Here we present a formalism to reduce every field theory with (2,0) AdS supersymmetry to ${\cal N}=1$ AdS superspace. As nontrivial examples, we consider supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models formulated in terms of ${\cal N}=2$ chiral and linear supermultiplets. The $(2,0) \to (1,0)$ AdS reduction technique is then applied to the off-shell massless higher-spin supermultiplets in (2,0) AdS superspace constructed in [1]. As a result, for each superspin value $\hat s$, integer $(\hat s= s)$ or half-integer $(\hat s= s+1/2)$, with $s=1,2,\dots $, we obtain two off-shell formulations for a massless ${\cal N}=1$ superspin-$\hat s$ multiplet in AdS${}_3$. These models prove to be related to each other by a superfield Legendre transformation in the flat superspace limit, but the duality is not lifted to the AdS case. Two out of the four series of ${\cal N}=1$ supersymmetric higher-spin models thus derived are new. The constructed massless ${\cal N}=1$ supersymmetric higher-spin actions in AdS${}_3$ are used to formulate (i) higher-spin supercurrent multiplets in ${\cal N}=1$ AdS superspace; and (ii) new topologically massive higher-spin off-shell supermultiplets. Examples of ${\cal N}=1$ higher-spin supercurrents are given for models of a complex scalar supermultiplet. We also present two new off-shell formulations for a massive ${\cal N}=1$ gravitino supermultiplet in AdS${}_3$.


  • In three spacetime dimensions, the anti-de Sitter (AdS) group is a product of two simple groups, SOð2; 2Þ ≅ ðSLð2; RÞ × SLð2; RÞÞ=Z2; ð1:1Þ and so are its supersymmetric extensions OSpðpj2; RÞ × OSpðqj2; RÞ.1 This implies that N -extended AdS supergravity exists in several incarnations [2], which are known as the ðp; qÞ AdS supergravity theories, where the integers p ≥ q ≥ 0 are such that N 1⁄4 p þ q

  • Let us turn to reducing the gauge prepotentials (3.1) to N 1⁄4 1 AdS superspace

  • We have shown that there exist two different off-shell formulations for the massless higherspin N 1⁄4 1 supermultiplets

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The AdS group is a product of two simple groups, SOð2; 2Þ ≅ ðSLð2; RÞ × SLð2; RÞÞ=Z2; ð1:1Þ and so are its supersymmetric extensions OSpðpj; RÞ × OSpðqj; RÞ.1 This implies that N -extended AdS supergravity exists in several incarnations [2], which are known as the ðp; qÞ AdS supergravity theories, where the integers p ≥ q ≥ 0 are such that N 1⁄4 p þ q. Defining ∇a 1⁄4 Da, the algebra of (2,0) AdS covariant derivatives (2.4) turns into ζ 1⁄4 ζBDB 1⁄4 ζbDb þ ζβDβ þ ζβDβ; ζb 1⁄4 ζb; ð2:5bÞ f∇Iα; ∇Jβg 1⁄4 2iδIJ∇αβ − 4iδIJSMαβ þ 4εαβεIJSJ; ð2:12aÞ and τ and lbc are some real Uð1ÞR and Lorentz superfield parameters, respectively. ∇αÞ ωAbcMbc ð2:25Þ denotes the set of covariant derivatives for AdS3j2, which obey the following graded commutation relations: f∇α; ∇βg 1⁄4 2i∇αβ − 4iSMαβ; ð2:26aÞ In such a coordinate system, the operator ∇1αj contains no partial derivative with respect to θ2. We first consider a covariantly chiral scalar superfield φ; Dαφ 1⁄4 0, with an arbitrary Uð1ÞR charge q defined by Jφ 1⁄4 qφ It transforms under the (2,0) AdS isometries as δζUj 1⁄4 δξUj þ δεUj; δξUj 1⁄4. Making use of the (2,0) AdS transformation law δL 1⁄4 ζL, δLc 1⁄4 ðζ − 2iτÞLc, and the Killing equation (2.15b), it can be checked explicitly that the N 1⁄4 1 action defined by the right-hand side of (2.52), or (2.53) are invariant under the (2,0) AdS isometry transformations

Supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models
The type II theory
Reduction of the gauge prepotentials to AdS3j2
Transverse formulation for massless superspin-s multiplet
The type III theory
Longitudinal formulation for massless superspin-s multiplet
Massless superspin-s action
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