
Field test results of residential SOFC co-generation system at Tokyo Gas T. Ishikawa, S. Yamashita Product Development Dept., Tokyo Gas Lo., LTD., Tokyo, JAPAN We are developing residential SOFC co-generation system in order to commercialize it. One of our activities is to operate SOFC systems in field tests to make sure effects of installation and find technical issues. The detail is as below. A serious accident at nuclear power plants in Fukushima which was triggered by a huge earthquake on 11th March 2011 forces drastic re-formulation of Japan’s energy policy. In a series of discussions on the new energy policy, promoted use of distributed power generation is demanded more than ever as one of the main power systems, with extremely strong expectations for the fuel cell co-generation system. Tokyo Gas has been conducting research and development of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) which is expected to achieve the highest efficiency among all distributed power systems. In parallel with it, to verify the applicability of the SOFC for residential use and to identify technical challenges of SOFC, we have started field tests of SOFC systems of multiple manufacturers in the “Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) demonstrative research project” with financial support from NEDO (Figure 1) [1][2]. We have installed a total of 23 units of four manufacturers in the field test of over four years (from 2007 to 2010), of which 14 units are still under operation as of April 30, 2012 (table 1). And the operating time has reached 18,600 hours at the longest, with 268,500 hours in total of 23 units. We have acquired the knowledge as shown below during the field tests conducted at general residences which we selected to reflect a variety of electrical and hot water demands (Figure 2). (1) Residential SOFC co-generation system contributes to the saving the preliminary energy consumptions and CO2 emissions by households in Japan (Figure 3, Figure 4). (2) SOFC system shows high electricity efficiency exceeding 45%LHV, and the transition of efficiency indicates that the durability of SOFC system including cell stack is estimated to be almost practical use (Figure 5). (3) SOFC system shows high reliability because of its simple system configuration. We will report the detailed results of SOFC field tests based on the latest data. Acknowledgments Finally, we would like to express our appreciation to NEDO, as this report is prepared mainly based on the results of the project supported by NEDO. Figure 2 Residential Demand (/Month) References [1] Solid Oxide Fuel Cell demonstrative research project final report (2011) http://www.nef.or.jp/sofc/share/pdf/h22y.pdf [2] Y. KAWABATA, T.SEYAMA, T.SOBUE, International Gas Union Research Conference ( 2011 ) Development and Field Test of Residential SOFC Co-generation System with All-ceramics-segmented Cells

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