
The integrated approach combining kinematic and structural-paragenetic field tectonophysics techniques allows us to construct a continuous time scan of the stress-strain state (SSS) and deformation modes (DM) from sediment lithification to the final orogenic process for the studied areas. Definitions of the continuous sequence of SSS and DM provide for control of the known geodynamic reconstructions and adjustment of geodynamic models. An example is the tectonophysical study of the Alpine structural stage of the Western Mountainous Crimea (WMC) and the Pre-Cambrian complexes of the Ukrainian Shield (USh). Data from WMC allow us to make adjustments to the geodynamic model of the Mountainous Crimea. In particular, trajectories of the principal normal stresses (Fig. 4 and 5), both for shifts and shear faults with reverse components/ normal faults, suggest the reverse nature of movements of the Eastern and Western Black Sea microplates with their overall pushing onto the Crimean peninsula in the south-east, south and south-west (Fig. 7). In the Precambrian USh complexes (Fig. 8), 13 stages of regional deformation are revealed between ≥2.7 and 1.6 billion years ago. Until the turn of 2.05–2.10 billion years, the region was subject to transtension and transpression, as the Western (gneiss-granulite) and Eastern (granite-greenstone) Archean microplates of USh moved to separate from each other in the Neo-Archean and then diverged and converged in the Paleoproterozoic (movements at a sharp angle). It is assumed that in the Archean the Western and Eastern microplates were separated by the oceanic or sub-oceanic lithosphere (Fig. 12, 13). During the period of 2.3–2.4 billion years, the plates fully converged creating a zone of collision. It may be suggested that a possible mechanism for the oceanic window close-up was underthrusting of the upper suboceanic lithosphere layers beneath the crust-mantle plates on gently sloping break-up surfaces (non-subduction option), and one of them is Moho. Spreading of the Western and Eastern microplates of USh began at the turn of 2.05–2.10 billion years, as evidenced by the available tectonophysical data on fields of latitudinal extension of the crust. During spreading 2.1–2.05 billion years ago, emanations and solutions were able to ascend into the upper crust and thus stimulate palingenesis (Novoukrainsky and Kirovogradsky granites), and during repeated spreading 1.75 billion years ago, magma of the basic and acid composition (Pluto gabbro-anorthosite and rapakivi) intruded into the upper crust. The spreading zone coincided with the former collisional suture and became the site wherein the inter-regional Kherson-Smolensk suture was formed; it stretches submeridionally across the East European platform.


  • Spreading of the Western and Eastern microplates of Ukrainian Shield (USh) began at the turn of 2.05–2.10 billion years, as evidenced by the available tectonophysical data on fields of latitudinal extension of the crust

  • During spreading 2.1–2.05 billion years ago, emanations and solutions were able to ascend into the upper crust and stimulate palingenesis (Novoukrainsky and Kiro­ vogradsky granites), and during repeated spreading 1.75 billion years ago, magma of the basic and acid composition (Pluto gabbro­anorthosite and rapakivi) intruded into the upper crust

  • The spreading zone coincided with the former collisional su­ ture and became the site wherein the inter­regional Kherson­Smolensk suture was formed; it stretches submeridionally across the East European platform

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Применение комплексного подхода, объединяюще­ го кинематический и структурно­парагенетический ме­ тоды полевой тектонофизики [Gintov, 2005; Gintov et al, 2008], позволяет строить непрерывную временную развертку напряженно­деформированных состояний (НДС) и деформационных режимов (ДР) изучаемых районов от времени литификации осадочно­вулкано­ генных толщ до завершения орогенического процесса. Для сдвиговых полей наблюдается очевидное сов­ падение многих участков речной сети и обрывистых склонов гряд Горного Крыма с траекториями макси­ мальных касательных напряжений 1 – эшелонированные и элементарные сколы зон разломов, образовавшиеся в: а – неоархее (AR3), б – неоархее – раннем протерозое (AR3­PR1­I), в – начале раннего протерозоя (PR1­I), г – конце раннего протерозоя (PR1­II), д – возраст не известен; кинематические знаки (синие – во время заложения зон разломов, желтые – во время главной фазы активизации); 2 – правый сдвиг; 3 – левый сдвиг; 4 – сбро­ со­сдвиг; 5 – взбросо­сдвиг; 6 – направление падения; 7 – приподнятое крыло; 8 – опущенное крыло; 9 – направление раздвига цен­ тральной части Ингульского мегаблока; – межрегиональная зона раздвига Херсон­Смоленск; – дайки диабазов, габбро­диабазов и др.; – шовные зоны и их номера: I – Голованевская, II – Ингулецко­Криворожская; – массивы гранитоидов и их номера: III – Кор­ сунь­Новомиргородский плутон, IV – Новоукраинский массив; – номера зон разломов, в соответствии с [Gintov, Mychak, 2011]; – номера зон скалывания, по [Gintov, Mychak, 2011]. Зона раздвига стала местом формиро­ вания межрегиональной транстенсионной шовной зо­ ны Херсон – Смоленск, протягивающейся субмеридио­ нально через всю Восточно­Европейскую платформу

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