
ABSTRACT We present the results of field surveys and a radio-tracking study of the Greater glider Petauroides volans minor in the Bluff State Forest, North Queensland. Twenty-three spotlighting transects were surveyed twice in July 2018, mean abundance of P. v. minor was 0.24 ha-1 in wet sclerophyll and 0.38 ha-1 in dry sclerophyll forest. Field observations (n= 330) were collected from nine radio-collared animals across three field sites from July to October 2019. 95% kernel home range estimates varied, ranging from 1.03 – 11.45 ha. Observations of denning (n=66) across 22 den trees identified that the gliders utilised between 1 and 4 dens during the study. Den trees were predominantly large Blue gum Eucalyptus tereticornis, with Gum-topped box Eucalyptus moluccana, Narrow-leafed ironbark Eucalyptus drepanophylla, Tindale’s stringybark Eucalyptus tindaliae and unidentifiable tree stags were used to lesser extent in one field site. Mean availability of suitable den trees was 2.07±1.12 per ha in Site 1 and 2, and 1.57±1.24 in Site 3. Foraging observations (n=148) were collected, Pink Bloodwood Corymbia intermedia and E. moluccana were the most commonly observed feed trees utilised by the study animals during the tracking period. This study provides baseline data for P. v. minor within high elevation habitat (950 to 1000 m) at its most northern extent. Given the widespread decline of P. volans across much of its range, these data may be used for developing local conservation strategies for the species in North Queensland.

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