
In the current study one hundred and seven greengram genotypes screened at Department of Pulses, TNAU, Coimbatore using AICRP pest susceptibility scale. It was observed that RME-16-3, RME-16-12, MLT-GG R-16-007, MLT-GG R-16-009, COGG 1319 (rabi-greengram) were highly resistant (HR) to Urdbean Leaf Crinkle Virus (ULCV). None of the greengram genotype is highly resistant in kharif season. Resistance in each case were associated with lower incidence, lower spread and milder symptoms relative to the susceptible cultivars. KEM 16-1, KEM 16-8, KEM 16-20, KME -33, MLT- GG K-16-01, MLT- GG K-16-05 (kharif-greengram) and RME-16-10, MLT-GG R-16-008 (rabi-greengram) were highly susceptible (HS). In susceptible cultivars of greengram, the disease is characterized by enlargement of trifoliate leaves and crinkling of the leaf lamina. However, severity of the symptoms varies in different cultivars. Early infected greengram plants showed complete sterility. The affected plants become stunted and gave a bushy appearance and no pods were formed in severely affected plants. Better understanding of resistance of genotypes will help in improvement of varieties resistant to viral diseases will certainly brighten the prospects of plant virus control in the coming decades.

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