
Data from the Point Lake area, central Slave craton, suggest an intimate tectonic and paleogeographic association between volcano-sedimentary supracrustal rocks and adjacent gneisses. Granite plutons and orthogneisses yield U-Pb zircon crystallization ages ranging from ca. 3230 to 2818 Ma. Numerous mafic dykes cut the gneisses, and two have been dated by U-Pb zircon geochronometry at 2673 ± 3 and 2690 ± 3 Ma, ages similar to those of volcanic rocks in the Point Lake greenstone belt. Although high-strain zones form the greenstone-gneiss in most places, a structural repetition of granite about 4 km east of Keskarrah Bay is cut by numerous mafic dykes and apparently overlain depositionally(?) by pillow basalt. Mafic volcanic and plutonic rocks from Point Lake have initial (2.7 Ga) εNd values ranging from about +2.2 to -6.3, significantly lower than the depleted mantle at that time. The Nd data suggest either derivation from a more isotopically evolved reservoir, or assimilation of crust similar to the granite gneiss at Point Lake. We infer from the presence of mafic dykes of appropriate age in the basement and the low initial εNd values of some pillow basalts that the volcanic sequence developed on the older granitic crust. The supracrustal rocks may have been deposited in a back-arc basin floored at least in part by attenuated continental material. Closure of the basin, bulk east-west shortening, and sinistral oblique or strike-slip faulting then obscured the original relations between the volcanic and gneissic rocks.

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