
The article covers the expeditionary activities of employees of Pereiaslav-Khmelnytsky State Historical Museum in Cherkasy region in the 1960s–80s. The relevance of the study is determined by the lack of comprehensive scholarly research, which would enable a full-scale historical analysis of the problem.Historical studies of separate regions are a promising area of modern historical science. The attention of regional scholars (historians, ethnologists, sociologists, art critics) is drawn to the processes of regional development in natural-geographic, historical, ethnocultural, political, sociocultural, and other contexts. Understanding the regional specifics of individual territories of the Middle Dnieper Ukraine became an important task of systematic ethnographic field research conducted by Pereiaslav-Khmelnytsky State Historical Museum in the 1960s–70s. This was due to the need to complete the exposition of the newly created Museum of Folk Architecture and Everyday Life of the Middle Dnieper Ukraine with the monuments of folk architecture and ethnographic materials. The first of them, given the territorial proximity, were the studied settlements of Kyiv region. The experience gained encouraged the museum staff to expand the scope of systematic field research. Among the various districts of the Middle Dnieper Ukraine, Cherkasy region was of a local attraction.The article also considers books of orders and periodicals. Attention is paid to periodization, topics, composition of the participants, and results of the expeditions. It is noted that the main task of these expeditions was to collect items of museum value to complete ethnographic collections. The conclusion about the high efficacy of the relevant expeditionary activity of the museum is made.

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