
As a part of the USLHC program, Fermilab is building half of the inner triplet quadrupole magnets for the LHC. Two identical quadrupoles (MQXB) with a dipole corrector between them in a single cryogenic unit (LQXB) comprise the Q2 optical element of the final focus triplets in the interaction regions. The 5.5 m long MQXB have a 70 mm aperture and operate in superfluid helium at 1.9 K with a peak field gradient of 215 T/m. Manufacturing of the 18 magnets is in an advanced stage. A program of magnetic field quality measurements of the magnets is performed at room temperature during magnet fabrication as well as at superfluid helium temperature during the cold qualification of each magnet. Results of the measurements are summarized in this paper.

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