
The J-PARC RCS (rapid cycling synchrotron) is designed to inject the beam from the LINAC, to change their charge from to , to accelerate the beam from 400 MeV to 3 GeV, with protons per pulse at 25 Hz repetition rate, and to extract the beam after the acceleration to the MLF (material and life science experimental facility) and the MR (main ring). Thus the RCS has the beam circulating ring and three beam transport lines. The RCS ring consists of several magnets, and the DC magnets are installed for beam injection and extraction. The four steering magnets and two septum magnets are installed at injection line in order to adjust the beam injection point. One quadratic magnet, two steering magnet and two septum magnets are installed at dump line for the part of the beam with their charge not changed from to at the charge stripping foil. Two deflecting magnets to kick out the beam without exciting the pulse kicker magnets and three septum magnets are installed at the extraction line. Up to now, the DC magnets are developed and manufactured, the field measurements are carried out, and magnets installation into the RCS tunnel are finished. The field distributions of DC magnets are measured by using the new field mapping system with three one-dimensional hall-probes on a 3-axis movable stage. In the case of the quadrupole magnet, the field measurements are not only field mapping but also analyze its magnetic higher order components by the harmonic rotating coil. As a result, the measured field quality meets the design performance requirements of the DC magnets.

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