
Suspensions of solid colloidal particles presenting a large mismatch of magneticpermeability or dielectric permittivity with the suspending fluid are interesting systems tocorrelate structure and rheology by tuning attractive dipolar forces with the help of anexternal field. The beginning of phase separation with formation of chainlikestructure is experimentally studied in a suspension of silica particles using lightscattering and in a suspension of magnetic colloidal polystyrene by means oflight transmission. For a silica volume fraction of 10% we find that the meandistance between particles inside chains drops off suddenly with the increase offield. An analysis of evolution of size distribution with the field is attempted butdoes not show evidence for a strong increase of average sizes of chains with field.We determine the phase diagram of the magnetic suspension by measuring lighttransmission and show that the experimental critical volume fraction is much lowerthan that predicted with a theory based on transition in an isotropic medium.

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