
We report on a magnetic domain wall (DW)-based spin torque nano-oscillator (STNO) with real-time multimodal frequency modulation characteristics by engineering the synergistic effect of shape anisotropy, Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI), and spin-transfer torque. The achieved manageable oscillation and precession of magnetic DW motivate us to implement such attributes into the developed STNO under a low current density of ∼107 A/cm2, which demonstrates outstanding functionality of multimodal real-time modulation ranging from few GHz and sub-THz with corresponding few tens and >104 quality factor (fSTNO/Δf) in absence of external magnetic field. Furthermore, the dynamic process of DW motion and magnetic moment precession under different modes has been revealed systematically, and the frequency dependence of various physical parameters including damping constant, uniaxial anisotropy constant, saturation magnetization, exchange stiffness, and DMI constant has also been summarized in detail. Such a DW-based device enriches the STNO family and promises great potential with a broad spectrum of applications in microwave generators and neuromorphic computing.

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