
Sevin® (l-naphthyl-N-methyl carbamate) applied at 1.0 and 1.6 pounds per acre in dusts and at 1.5 pound per acre in a spray gave effective control of the boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis Boh.) and the bollworm (Heliothis zea (Boddie )) in field-plot experiments conducted in 1958. Sprays containing caleium arsenate at 7 pounds, Monsanto CP-7769 (hexaethyl (ethylthiomethylidine) triphosphonate) at 0.5 pound, or dicapthon at 1.0 pound per acre were as effective in boll weevil control as dieldrin at 0.38 pound or Guthion® (0,0-dimethyl S-(4-oxo-3H-l,2,3-benzotriazine-3-methyl) phosphorodithioate) at 0.25 pound per acre. Calcium arsenate plus DDT gave poor control of the bollworm. Trithion® (S-(p-chlorophenylthio) methyl 0,0-diethyl phosphorodithioate ethion, and Delnav® (2,3-p-dioxanedithio' S,S-bis(0,0-diethyl phosphorodithioate) at 0.5 pound, demeton and CP-7769 at 0.25 pound and Kelthane® (1,l-bis(p-chlorophenyl)- 2,2,2-triehloroethanol) and dicapthon at 1.0 pound per acre were equally effective against the desert spider mite (Tetranychus desertorum (Banks for 7 days after treatment. Sprays containing Sevin at 1 pound, toxaphene at 2 pounds plus DDT at 1 pound, malathion or dicapthon at 0.38 pound, or endrin at 0.3 pound per acre were effective against the cotton leafworm (Alabama argillacea (Hbn.)). Sevin dust at 0.25 pound gave only fair control and that obtained with CP-7769 spray at pound per acre was poor.

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