
Theory predicts that within-population differences in the pace-of-life can lead to cohort splitting and produce marked intraspecific variation in body size. Although many studies showed that body size is positively correlated with fitness, many argue that selection for the larger body is counterbalanced by opposing physiological and ecological selective mechanisms that favour smaller body. When a population split into cohorts with different paces of life (slow or fast cohort), one would expect to detect the fitness-size relationship among and within cohorts, that is, (a) slower-developing cohort has larger body size and higher fitness than faster-developing cohort, and (b) larger individuals within each cohort show higher fitness than smaller individuals. Here, we test these hypotheses in capture-mark-recapture field surveys that assess body size, lifespan, survival and lifetime mating success in two consecutive generations of a partially bivoltine aquatic insect, Coenagrion mercuriale, where the spring cohort is slower-developing than the autumn cohort. As expected, body size was larger in the slow-developing cohort, which is consistent with the temperature-size rule and also with the duration of development. Body size seasonal variation was greater in slow-developing cohort most likely because of the higher variation in age at maturity. Concordant with theory, survival probability, lifespan and lifetime mating success were higher in the slow-developing cohort. Moreover, individual body size was positively correlated with survival and mating success in both cohorts. Our study confirms the fitness costs of fast pace-of-life and the benefits of larger body size to adult fitness.

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