
AbstractIt is well known that the band structure of semiconductors can be dramatically changed by applying the external fields [1–68]. The effects of the quantizing magnetic field on the band structure of compound semiconductors are more striking and can be observed easily in experiments. Under magnetic quantization, the motion of the electron parallel to the magnetic field remains unaltered, while the area of the wave-vector space perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field gets quantized in accordance with the Landau’s rule of area quantization in the wave-vector space [40–68] The energy levels of the carriers in a magnetic field (with the component of the wave-vector parallel to the direction of magnetic field be equated with zero) are termed as the Landau levels and the quantized energies are known as the Landau subbands. It is important to note that the same conclusion may be arrived either by solving the single-particle time-independent Schrödinger differential equation in the presence of a quantizing magnetic field or by using the operator method. The quantizing magnetic field tends to remove the degeneracy and increases the band gap.KeywordsMagnetic FieldElectron ConcentrationLandau LevelMagnetic QuantizationBismuth TellurideThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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