
With the aim of reducing chemical fertilizer application and improving the sustainability of wheat cultivation under alkaline soil, the present study investigated the effects of different biofertilizers and organic products on wheat productivity. The application of these products was applied in the soil through irrigation water as solitary or in consortia by three different ways of treatment, i.e. (1) single treatment; (2) double treatment (first and 21 days), and (3) triple treatment (first, 21 days and 45 days). We demonstrate that all the biofertilizers significantly enhanced wheat productivity as compared to the control treatment, but this was mostly observed with more than one treatment condition. The biofertilizers were applied in solitary and consortia treatments. Solitary treatment of Azospirillium spp, Bacillus subtilis, and Pseudomonas fluorescence was found effective. However, the Nitrogen consortium treatment of biofertilizers (Azotobacter chroococcum + Azospirillium spp) was more prominent as compared to solitary application. Our results suggest that more than one application of biofertilizers may be effectively exploited for sustainable wheat production in an eco-friendly way, but attention should be paid to the consortium approach or organic amendments during cultivation.

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