
A field experiment was conducted during Kharif-2017 comprising six treatments which replicated four times under farmer’s field. During the current study an attempt was made to evaluate different doses of Metiram 70 % WG for effective management of Tikka leaf spot disease of Groundnut. The results from field experiment showed that, spraying of Metiram 70 % WG @ 2500 g/ha was found effective in registering the lowest leaf spot severity of 14.81 Percent Diseases Index (PDI) which was on par with Metiram 70 % WG @2000 g/ha of both market sample (15.03 PDI) and test sample (16.47 PDI). Data pertaining to percent disease control over untreated check was observed higher in Metiram 70 % WG @ 2500 g/ha (78.32 %). The highest pod yield was documented in plots applied with Metiram 70 % WG @ 2500 g/ha (3016.06 kg/ha) followed with Metiram 70 % WG @ 2000 g/ha of both market sample (2934.82 kg/ha) and test sample (2957.75kg/ ha). In perusal of information generated in the present investigation it is envisaged that, spraying of Metiram 70 % WG @ 2500 or Metiram 70 % WG @ 2000 g/ha were found to be effective dose of fungicides in the management of the disease under field condition as well as successfully suppressed the secondary spread after resorting curative measures.

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