
Field studies were conducted to determine the competitive interactions between introduced biological control agents that attack the seed heads of spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe ssp. micranthos) and diffuse knapweed (Centaurea diffusa). Two weevils, Bangasternus fausti and Larinus minutus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), were each paired with the previously established fly, Urophora affinis (Diptera: Tephritidae). Each species was released either alone or in pair-wise combinations inside screen cages placed over existing knapweed plants at six field sites in Montana and one in Oregon. Larinus minutus produced almost three times as many progeny on diffuse knapweed as on spotted knapweed. Larinus minutus reproduction was not affected by competition with U. affinis, but U. affinis reproduction was reduced by the presence of L. minutus (by 71% on spotted and 77% on diffuse knapweed). Bangasternus fausti reproduction generally was not affected by competition with U. affinis, nor was U. affinis affected by B. fausti on either host plant. There were extremely few cases of successful production of both weevil and fly in the same capitulum, which was probably because weevil larvae consume the developing flies. Both weevils increased the total proportion of seed heads infested on diffuse knapweed, and B. fausti increased it on spotted knapweed. However, the release of either weevil did not significantly further reduce seed production on either plant. The results and experimental design are discussed in light of the subsequent establishment and impact of these agents.

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