
AbstractWell real-time flow rate is one of the most important production parameters in oilfield and accurate flow rate information is crucial for production monitoring and optimization. With the wide application of permanent downhole gauge (PDG), the high-frequency and large volume of downhole temperature and pressure make applying of deep learning technique to predict flow rate possible. Flow rate of production well is predicted with long short-term memory (LSTM) network using downhole temperature and pressure production data. The specific parameters of LSTM neural network are given, as well as the methods of data preprocessing and neural network training. The developed model has been validated with two production wells in the Volve Oilfield, North Sea. The field application demonstrates that the deep learning is applicable for flow rate prediction in oilfields. LSTM has the better performance of flow rate prediction than other five machine learning methods, including support vector machine (SVM), linear regression, tree, and Gaussian process regression. The LSTM with a dropout layer has a better performance than a standard LSTM network. The optimal numbers of LSTM layers and hidden units can be adjusted to obtain the best prediction results, but more LSTM layers and hidden units lead to more time of training and prediction, and LSTM model might be unstable and cannot converge. Compared with only downhole pressure or temperature data used as input parameters, flow rate prediction with both of downhole pressure and temperature used as input parameters has the higher prediction accuracy.

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