
For nanocrystalline alloy Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9 thermomechanical treatment was carried out simultaneously with nanocrystallizing annealing (1) or after it (2). It was shown that a change in magnetic properties for the case 1 is essentially greater than for the case 2. Complex effect of thermomagnetic and thermomechanical treatments on magnetic properties was studied in the above-mentioned nanocrystalline alloy as well as in the amorphous alloy Fe5Co70.6Si15B9.4., During the annealings both field and stress were aligned with the long side of the specimens. It was shown that the magnetic field, AC or DC, decreases an effect of loading. Moreover, the magnetic field, AC or DC, applied after stress-annealing can destroy the magnetic anisotropy already induced under load.

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