
The Storø greenstone belt, southern West Greenland, consists of thrust-imbricated slices of Mesoarchean (>3060 Ma) and Neoarchean (ca. 2800 Ma) mafic to ultramafic volcanic rocks, volcaniclastic sediments, and gabbro–anorthosite associations. The belt underwent polyphase metamorphism at upper amphibolite facies conditions between 2650 and 2600 Ma. The contacts between the Mesoarchean and Neoarchean volcanic rocks, and surrounding Eoarchean to Neoarchean tonalite–trondhjemite–granodiorite (TTG) gneisses are tectonic and typically bounded by high-grade mylonites. Regardless of age, the volcanic rocks are dominated by mafic amphibolites with a tholeiitic basalt composition, near-flat to slightly enriched light rare earth element (LREE) patterns (La/Sm cn = 0.91–1.48), relatively flat to slightly depleted heavy-REE (HREE) (Gd/Yb cn = 1.0–1.28), and pronounced negative Nb–Ta anomalies (Nb/Nb* = 0.34–0.73) on chondrite- and primitive mantle-normalized diagrams. These geochemical characteristics are consistent with subduction zone geochemical signatures and partial melting of a shallow (<80 km) mantle source free of residual garnet. There is no geochemical evidence for contamination by older continental crust. The overall field and geochemical characteristics suggest that the thrust-imbricated basaltic rocks were erupted in intra-oceanic subduction zone settings. Sedimentary rocks are represented by garnet–biotite and quartzitic gneisses. They are characterized by relatively high contents of transition metal (Ni = 10–154 ppm; Cr = 7–166 ppm) and enriched LREE patterns (La/Sm cn = 1.38–3.79). These geochemical characteristics suggest that the sedimentary rocks were derived from erosion of felsic to mafic igneous source rocks. Collectively, the structural and lithogeochemical characteristics of the Storø greenstone belt are consistent with collision (accretion) of unrelated Archean volcanic rocks formed in supra-subduction zone geodynamic settings. Accordingly, the Mesoarchean and Neoarchean rock record of the Storø greenstone belt may well be explained in terms of modern-style plate tectonic processes.

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