
Sections leaves of Ficus rubiginosa 'Variegata' show that it is a chimera with a chlorophyll deficiency in the second layer of the leaf meristem (GWG structure). Like other Ficus species, it has a multiseriate epidermis on the adaxial and abaxial sides of the leaf, formed by periclinal cell divisions as well as anticlinal divisions. The upper and lower laminae of the leaf often exhibit small dark and light green patches of tissue overlying internal leaf tissue. The distribution of chlorophyll in transverse sections of typical leaves was determined by fluorescence microscopy. Patches of dark and light green tissue which arise in the otherwise colourless palisade and spongy mesophyll tissue in the entire leaf are due to further cell divisions arising from the bundle sheath which is associated with major vascular bundles or from the green multiseriate epidermis. Leaves produced in winter exhibit more patches of green tissue than leaves which expand in mid-summer. Many leaves produced in summer have no spotting and appear like a typical GWG chimera. There is a strong relationship between the number of patches on the adaxial side of leaves and the number on the abaxial side, showing that the cell division in upper and lower layers of leaves is strongly coordinated. In both winter and summer, there are fewer patches on the abaxial side of leaves compared with the adaxial side, indicating that periclinal and anticlinal cell divisions from the outer meristematic layer are less frequent in the lower layers of leaf tissue. Most of the patches are small (<1 mm in longest dimension) and thus the cell divisions which form them occur late in leaf development. Leaves which exhibit large patches generally have them on both sides of the leaves. In this cultivar, the outer meristematic layer appears to form vascular bundle sheaths and associated internal leaf tissue in the entire leaf lamina.

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