
The article attempts to present and clarify a fictional concept, its distinctive properties and ways of its functioning in a literary text. Being considered as the main unit of the conceptual analysis of a fiction work, the concept expresses the conceptual meanings of the text, realizing the function of reflecting the individual author's world picture and the information embedded in it. The relevance of the article is confirmed by the prevalence of conceptual analysis in the field of many linguistic sciences, which generates additional study of the essential units of this analysis fictional concepts. This presupposes the main purpose of the article, which consists in identifying the specific features of a fictional concept found in a literary work, as well as in considering the features of its implementation in the text. The consideration of concepts in fiction texts made it possible to identify their distinctive features: imagery, evaluativeness, emotiveness, associativity, symbolism and dynamic character. Another specific feature of a fictional concept is its contextual determinism, which is based on the dependence of the concept on the type of context (linguistic and extralinguistic). Moreover, it became possible to identify a vivid feature of fictional concept that differentiates it from other cognitive concepts the ability to reflect an individual author's fictional world picture. This property is manifested in the expression of the conceptual meanings of the text by fictional concepts. Analysis of fictional concepts can be applied while analyzing and interpreting literary texts and building their conceptual spheres.

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