
Fibula Jaw-in-a-Day (JIAD) is considered the most advanced approach for segmental mandibular defect reconstruction and dental rehabilitation. However, it has limitations and challenges for further pursuit. We propose Fibula Jaw-during-Admission (JDA) as a solution. From 2019 to 2021, six patients received fibula "Jaw-during-Admission." Segmental mandibulectomy, fibula transfer, and immediate dental implantation were performed simultaneously during a single surgery. Intraoral scans were used to fabricate temporary light occlusion contact dental prostheses while on the ward prior to discharge during the first and second week post operation. The prostheses were installed before discharge and changed to permanent ones with normal occlusal contact in the clinic at about six months after X-ray confirmation of bone healing. All six surgeries succeeded. Four patients received palatal muco-periosteal graft after debridement of peri-implant overgrown granulation tissue. Follow-up ranged from 12 to 34 months (average 21.2 months) and revealed good function and appearance in all patients. Fibula JDA is superior to the Fibula JIAD approach for simultaneous mandibular reconstruction with fibula and dental rehabilitation. There is no need for postoperative intermaxillary fixation. The surgery can be performed more reliably with less stress. It provides an additional opportunity for dental rehabilitation if initial dental prosthesis installation during JIAD fails. Postreconstruction intraoral scans provide greater precision and more flexibility in milling dental prosthesis which are mapped to the reconstructed mandible during the postoperative period.

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