
Lymph nodes (LNs) are always embedded in the metabolically-active white adipose tissue (WAT), whereas their functional relationship remains obscure. Here, we identify fibroblastic reticular cells (FRCs) in inguinal LNs (iLNs) as a major source of IL-33 in mediating cold-induced beiging and thermogenesis of subcutaneous WAT (scWAT). Depletion of iLNs in male mice results in defective cold-induced beiging of scWAT. Mechanistically, cold-enhanced sympathetic outflow to iLNs activates β1- and β2-adrenergic receptor (AR) signaling in FRCs to facilitate IL-33 release into iLN-surrounding scWAT, where IL-33 activates type 2 immune response to potentiate biogenesis of beige adipocytes. Cold-induced beiging of scWAT is abrogated by selective ablation of IL-33 or β1- and β2-AR in FRCs, or sympathetic denervation of iLNs, whereas replenishment of IL-33 reverses the impaired cold-induced beiging in iLN-deficient mice. Taken together, our study uncovers an unexpected role of FRCs in iLNs in mediating neuro-immune interaction to maintain energy homeostasis.

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