
A growth factor with properties very similar to fibroblast growth factor (FGF) was detected in the yolk and white of unfertilized chick eggs, and in the limb buds and bodies of Day 2.5 (stage 18)-13 chick embryos using two complementary and highly sensitive biological assays—competition of 125I-a-FGF binding to the FGF receptors of 3T3 cells and stimulation of DNA synthesis in MM14 cells, a permanent mouse skeletal muscle cell line that is dependent upon FGF for proliferation. Further evidence of the similarity of this growth factor to FGF is provided by the finding that biological activity is lost when the material is bound to a heparin-Sepharose column and restored upon elution with 2.5 M NaCl; the 2.5 M NaCl fraction from Day 12 embryos contains several polypeptides of apparent molecular weights 12,500–17,500. The level of FGF in the embryonic chick body is fairly constant between Days 2.5 and 6 (stages 18–29), ranging between 1 and 2 ng FGF/mg protein; but thereafter the level increases so that by Day 13 the body contains about 15 ng FGF/mg protein. In contrast, the level of FGF in the limb bud is higher than that in the rest of the body until Day 5 (stage 27); it then undergoes a transient decrease between Days 6 and 7, after which it increases but remains below the level observed in the remainder of the body.

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