
Efficient transfer of progenitor cells without affecting their survival is a key factor in any practical cell therapy. Fibrin microbeads (FMB) were developed as hard biodegradable cell carriers. The FMB could efficiently isolate mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from different sources and support the expansion of matrix-dependent cell types in a three-dimensional culture in slow rotation. The cells on FMB could also undergo induced differentiation for their eventual implantation to enhance tissue regeneration. FMB loaded with isolated human MSC (hMSC) were sealed in tubes topped up with medium. Almost full cell survival was recorded when the sealed cells were maintained in room temperature for up to 10 days, followed by a recovery period of 24 hrs at optimal conditions. Assay of cells recovery after such long room temperature storage showed ∼80%-100% survival of the cells on FMB, with only a marginal survival of cells that were kept in suspension without FMB in the same conditions. The hMSC that survived storage at room temperature preserved their profile of mesenchymal cell surface markers, their rate of proliferation, and their differentiation potential. The cell protective effect was not dependent on the presence of serum in the storage medium. It was clearly shown that over-expression of hypoxia induced factor-1α in hMSC with time, which may have protected the sealed cells on FMB at room temperature storage, was not necessarily related to extreme hypoxic stress. Foreskin normal fibroblasts on FMB sealed at room temperature were similarly protected, but with no elevation of their hypoxia-induced factor-1α expression. The results also show that FMB, unlike other commercially available cell carriers, could be used for delivery and shipping of progenitor cells at room temperature for extended time intervals. This could be highly useful for cell transfer for therapeutic application and for simplified cell transfer between different research centers.

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