
Legume proteins can be induced to form amyloid-like fibrils upon heating at low pH, with the exact conditions greatly impacting the fibril characteristics. The protein extraction method may also impact the resulting fibrils, although this effect has not been carefully examined. Here, the fibrillization of lentil protein prepared using various extraction methods and the corresponding fibril morphology were characterized. It was found that an acidic, rather than alkaline, protein extraction method was better suited for producing homogeneous, long, and straight fibrils from lentil proteins. During alkaline extraction, co-extracted phenolic compounds bound proteins through covalent and non-covalent interactions, contributing to the formation of heterogeneous, curly, and tangled fibrils. Recombination of isolated phenolics and proteins (from acidic extracts) at alkaline pH resulted in a distinct morphology, implicating a role for polyphenol oxidase also in modifying proteins during alkaline extraction. These results help disentangle the complex factors affecting legume protein fibrillization.

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