
We consider the basic theoretical information regarding the Fibonacci graceful graphs. An injective function is said a Fibonacci graceful labelling of a graph of a size , if it induces a bijective function on the set of edges , where by the rule , for any adjacent vertices A graph that allows such labelling is called Fibonacci graceful. In this paper, we introduce the concept of super Fibonacci graceful labelling, narrowing the set of vertex labels, i.e. Four types of problems to be studied are selected. In the problem of the first type, the following question is raised: is there a graph that allows a certain kind of labelling, and under what conditions does this take place? The problem of the second type is the problem of construction: it is necessary, for a given system of requirements for the graph, to construct (at least one) its labelling that would satisfy this system. The following two types of problems relate to enumeration problems: for a given graph, determine the number of different Fibonacci and / or super Fibonacci graceful labellings; build all the different labellings of a given kind. As a result of solving these problems, functions were found that generate Fibonacci and super Fibonacci graceful labellings for graphs of cyclic structure; necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of Fibonacci graceful labelling for disjunctive union of cycles, super Fibonacci graceful labelling for cycles, Eulerian graphs are obtained; the number of non-equivalent labellings of the cycle is determined; conditions for the existence of a super Fibonacci graceful labelling of a one-point connection of arbitrary connected super Fibonacci graceful graphs … …, are presented

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