
Summary Fiber materials have become an attractive choice for lost circulation material (LCM) applications recently. While there has been significant attention on the size, aspect ratio, and size distribution of fibers, the stiffness or basically the effect of their deformability on the sealing capability has not been studied rigorously. Experimental evaluations of fibers with different material properties could be a cumbersome, time-consuming, and expensive process. Most laboratory studies are limited to one or just a few different types of materials. Hence, a novel two-way-coupled computational fluid dynamics and discrete element method (CFD-DEM)-based numerical model is used to overcome this limitation and to simulate motion, collision, deformation, and finally entanglement of individual LCM fibers moving with the fluid along a fracture. Fiber stiffness is determined by the Young’s modulus, the fiber diameter, and the fiber length. Therefore, we investigate this effect in a parametric study with a focus on the impact of the length, diameter, and Young’s modulus of the fiber on their sealing capability. An in-depth analysis reveals that the bridging mechanism for fiber LCM changes with the stiffness of the fiber. Two distinct bridging mechanisms dependent on the fiber stiffness for fiber LCMs are identified. Based on the simulation results, we developed a conceptual model for the different mechanisms that fibers use for bridge initiation. It is also observed that in determining LCM effectiveness, both the fiber stiffness and the fiber dimensions go hand in hand. Stiff fibers were associated with greater maximum plugging pressures (MPPs). The effect of using a mix of soft and stiff fibers on fracture plugging effectiveness has been evaluated. The fiber LCM effectiveness as a consequence of the bending stiffness on bridging larger fractures is also investigated. Key Terms and Phrases lost circulation materials, fibers, fracture sealing, bridging mechanism

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