
Harmonic power distortions, radio frequency interference and electromagnetic interference are all examples of electrical problems that may have a significant adverse effect on the performance of telecommunications and other types of high-speed signaling systems. A possible remedy for such problems is to consider converting the signaling media from copper to fiber optic cables. Transporting photons instead of electrons, fiber optic cables offer 100% immunity from all forms of electrical interference. In addition, fiber optic cables can support much higher bandwidths, for longer distances with increased reliability when compared with copper cables. Implementing or converting to fiber optics has become increasingly easier. Today nearly all manufacturers of high speed communications equipment and other signaling systems offer fiber optic interfaces as a standard product. New connector and splicing technology has made fiber optic cable termination and testing as cost-effective as terminating most types of copper cables. What is more, advancements such as the development of air-blown installation methods have resulted in a quantum reduction in fiber optic cable installation, maintenance and replacement costs. Using air-blown technology, fiber optic cables may be installed, relocated or replaced in a small fraction of the time required to install most types of copper cables. The FutureFlex air-blown fiber optic cabling system is described.

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